Program Impact
100% of participants report having a greater appreciation for other peoples and cultures upon completion of the program

97% of participants report feeling empowered to foster interfaith dialogue on and off campus upon completion of the program

More than 50% of participants are currently working on issues in or related to the Middle East

A Small Selection of Upward Bound Ibrahim Alumni
The ultimate judgement regarding the impact that this experiential educational journey has on our participants is revealed through the trajectory of their career evolution. Click Here to read a handful of narratives meant to highlight some of the amazing endeavors our alumni have taken up following their journey with our program.

Ibrahim Alumni Projects
In light of COVID-19 and public health risks disrupting and challenging all of our global lives, the Ibrahim Leadership and Dialogue Program in the Middle East has funded and overseen seven innovative projects by Ibrahim alumni. Click Here to read more about how our alumni have been using the knowledge and experience from their experiential journeys to the Middle East to create long lasting impactful change.
Student Films
Wassem Ali, a 2017 Ibrahim fellow turned alumni staff videographer, shot and directed a short film with the collaboration of the 2017 Ibrahim cohort about their experience on the trip.
Ibrahim Distinguished Scholars Initiative
The Ibrahim Program is fortunate to have connected with many illustrious scholars during our experiential journeys to the Middle East. A number of them have proven invaluable with their assistance and appreciation for our program; we are proud to honor them with the title of Ibrahim Distinguished Scholar. Click Here to read more about our first honoree, Dr. Samir Altaqi.

The De-Otherize Project
The De-Otherize Project is a pop up installation designed by 2017 Ibrahim fellow, Josie Ygnatowiz, that combats Islamophobia by providing an opportunity for interactions and relationship building between Americans and Middle Eastern youth through virtual dialogue sessions.
“To be in a group this engaged, this committed to learning from one another and being vulnerable in that process - it pushed me to practice active listening, I had never done before. I think that’s the first step towards anything you can call ‘understanding.’”